Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Product: Lactacyd White Intimate Feminine Wash

I would sometimes try other feminine wash but I always find myself going to Lactacyd Feminine Wash. And when they came out with Lactacyd White Intimate that promises to whiten intimate areas, I promptly got myself one.

I tried the 60 ml bottle first, which I bought from Watson's for P64.95. I like the fresh mild scent and the creamy and silky consistency of White Intimate. Regular Lactacyd feminine wash is more liquid and I would often spill a few drops when I'm using it. The White Intimate has a thin creamy consistency and it would sit perfectly in the middle of my palm - spill-free.

But the main question is, does it really white your intimate area?

I believe it does. I used Lactacyd White Intimate a few months after I have given birth. When you're pregnant, certain areas in your body will inevitably darken due to hormonal changes. Unfortunately, I was one of those who had visibly (and ugly) dark skin on every crease and fold (neck, underarms, groin, back of the elbow, back of the knee).

At first, I was using Pond's Antibacterial Facial Scrub on my intimate areas but I wasn't seeing encouraging results. Plus I find the extra step of washing those areas for the second time with Pond's and waiting for at least a minute before I rinse it off too much of a hassle, that I would often forget to do it (and maybe that's why it wasn't effective for me).

I want something that I can be done and over with in 15 seconds. Which is why a whitening feminine wash makes sense. And after a week of using Lactacyd White Intimate, I noticed the effect. It wasn't much, maybe just a shade whiter but it was noticeable enough (or my eyes were fooling me). So I just kept using it and even purchased the bigger bottle after I used up the 60 ml that I first bought.

Now, I think my intimate areas are back to their "normal" shade and I'm still using Lactacyd Intimate White to keep them that way.

1 comment:

  1. Whether you need a daily freshening routine or just occasional odor protection, our intimate wipes, Feminine wash & cleansing products
    are ideal for everyday use, for dryness or for just being yourself.
